Michael S. Manley

Question for @manton as I figure out my workflow today: if a photo is posted to my micro.blog account by OwnYourGram, should that trigger the feed cross-posting?

This is a test post from Micro.blog syndicated to TW, FB, and LI.

This is a test to see if a photo makes it from IG to Micro.blog to the other channels.


This is a test post from Sunlit.

My new VentraChicago card expires in the middle of 2038. I guess someone at the CTA offices believes they’ve adequately prepared for the Unix epoch problem. And they must feel optimistic about the shelf-life of American technological civilization.

Sit back and enjoy a batch of summertime poems.

Currently reading: The Molotov Cocktail: Prize Winners Anthology Vol. 3 📚

I really hope we’ve reached peak 2018 early. t.co/eXHVldV3h…

If you enjoyed the old comix anthology WORLD WAR 3, you likely should enjoy The Nib. Help them out! t.co/kZfJ2W7dE…

Hello, King of Fireworks. I would like to introduce you to this group of very unhappy dogs. Please hold this raw meat in your lap. t.co/al1jukfRe…

Gen. Manning: We chased that nest of redcaps down I-90 until sundown. This morning we found evidence that they ran into an encampment of Los Separados. No survivors. #secondcivilwarletters

“That’s not what boomerangs do. And a ton of feathers would just as much as a ton of lead.” Apparently I feel rather critical of ZZ Top this evening.

Today’s good reading comes from @mcmansionhell: t.co/xYwUutixc…

Under our back steps is a waste can that is fat, white, has a big mouth that’s always popping open when we don’t need it to do so, and is almost always full of (dog) crap. Guess what we call it.

One of the few good memories I have from high school recalls the blown minds of my classmates when our English teacher read “‘Repent, Harlequin!’ Said the Ticktockman” to the class. RIP, you ornery old man. t.co/hDjIwlTq5…

No public official who allows these concentration camps to stand on American soil should enjoy a peaceful moment in public ever again. t.co/UKdID3CIk…

I used to walk past this house every day when I first moved to Chicago in 1997. I knew there had to be a story to such a building. It even formed the basis for a location in one of my comic series. t.co/hBHpsJdgj…

Readers who feel ashamed of enjoying H. P. Lovecraft should really read Winter Tide by Ruthann Emrys and the prequel novella from Tor, and get ready for the new book. Trust me, you’ll feel better. 📚

Creators: If you deliver your crowdfunded product 4+ years late, please ask your funders for updated addresses so they don’t have to figure out if they still know someone where you sent the package, please.

Did anyone ever ask Jim Croce who’d win in a fight between Bad Bad Leroy Brown and the not to be messed-with Jim?

Or, you know, we could bring back streetcars. t.co/VFrj23Cvr…

Rembert hopes you all had a very nice holiday weekend.

Until a solution to kind of insanity arrives, I can’t see participating in the crypto currency world at all: t.co/3S42EIH96…

Thank you to the crew at Elizabeth for a wonderful evening enjoying their NOMA menu. Perfect!

Why does this still crack me up? t.co/EhTrSd7Ss…