Michael S. Manley

Great time at Chicago Magic Lounge tonight watching Ronnie assist the magicians. Thanks Kim for getting us all together.

I don’t wanna cast aspersions, but I feel fairly confident that a certain pharmacy chain (rhymes with Tall Beans), or one of its vendors, has a data merge bug in their loyalty card system.

Imagine if a collection of humans could agree to provide for each other the basics of life, like clean air, water, food, shelter, healthcare and the infrastructure for those plus information & education & dignity. Seems improbable.

I spent many a late night with Art Bell on the AM radio, listening to his guests spout all kinds of crazy. I don’t know if anything quite like it on the air now. I hope he’s enjoying the space brothers. t.co/9K02bwfnW…

You know it is a real dragon roll when it arrives at the table on fire. Highly recommended goodies at Raisu.

Spent a good part of today thinking about how to implement software features and settings in terms of a user’s active consent. Think of the system as a box in which users keep their data and only they get to decide when something comes out of the box.

Every day I find I sympathize a bit more with the precepts of E Prime (https://t.co/AVklA2QoMQ). At the very least, I’d strike 9 out 10 uses of “to be” from most things I read and write.

What an amazing resource: t.co/quechH97t… You could fill your e-reader for years with this collection.

Read the fine print: Hazard Fraught Tools t.co/xTHIuPabI…

Hey #writers: Do me a favor? If you happen upon a pre-2004 copy of any Writers Market book, please destroy it with fire as you might exterminate a plague rat. I just got a phone call asking about a magazine I shut down 14 years ago. Not that I want anyone to start burning books. Those market guides …

My story, “Grief Machines” appears in the new issue of @GingerbreadMag. Thank you to the editors for placing my work among all the wonderful writing and artwork. This story came out of a flash fiction challenge from @ChuckWendig. t.co/wDSjXA7LW…

Only 30 years of working on Unix-like systems and I FINALLY have a reason to write my own awk script.

“They’ll be paid for the time, which will be outside their regular working hours.” A confluence of the gig economy and privatization of city services has appeared in Chicago. What could go wrong? t.co/pzp4G0r1u…

Some time ago, @bruces said he’d struggled with “a kind of science fiction that could only be written in the 21st century.” I suggest that “The Soft Truth” and “The Unearthing” by @leighalexander provide examples of a kind of just such storytelling. …

I spoke about @publicgood’s tech and impact-oriented mission with @jeznag for Episode 2 of the “Programmers Who Give a Sh*t” #podcast: t.co/wyog3IMLX…

Dinner at Alinea to celebrate Ronnie’s promotion. Very proud of my girl and always happy to do a fancy dinner together.

Oh, good. Today’s reminder that I have grown ancient arrived early. t.co/COVD83uxL…

In 2018, why does the continued delivery of a life-sustaining prescription depend on one giant company successfully sending the low-resolution photographic reproduction of a piece of paper over a phone line to another giant company every three months?

Ronnie started our Sunday right.

Yes. Read this, please. Bravo, Tony Breed. t.co/JBYb3OqyO…

Something about this smells funny. #dungeonsanddragons t.co/HOhWHfWZH…

In the “data compost heap,” you just throw all your data in a pile until it bitrots and you throw it away later. In the “data latrine,” you stream your data into a ditch that you cover up after you’ve decided to move on.

I think humans are just not equipped to deal with massive data, hence the iterative metaphors: silo, warehouse, lake, hub. Next up, “data compost heap” and “data latrine.”

The Twitter tells me that today is both #DataPrivacyDay and #NationalCroissantDay. It is true that I would not like the public to know how few croissants I get to eat.

After 19 days in a row of work helping people understand Medicare, figured she needed a good time, so we hit neighbor hidden gem Arjun’s Thai for their 12-course tasting menu and wine pairings. So happy.