Michael S. Manley

Damn. One of the giants. I guess she’s finally changed planes. t.co/QfOEK2gpM…

Has it occurred to no one in the POS terminal industry that requiring the use of both touchscreen and keypad for a single transaction is just a lousy user experience?

Best part of the giant AWS rolling reboot lately for me? Discovering all the systems that we’d misconfigured and never noticed because they’d never had to restart before.

One thing about winter in Chicago: this season gets me the closest I come to a sense of smell, as I can taste the aerosolized road salt in the air when I stand on the Blue Line platform at Addison. In my mouth, nose and eyes.

If you catch the Ruby vs Python jab in @Annaleen’s AUTONOMOUS I believe you qualify for a really tiny but nerdy merit badge. Caught the TCP/IP gloss but still looking for Emacs/vi references in the book.

If you want to understand why we shouldn’t heap scorn on the “millennials,” this story makes the point well (once you slog through the 8-bit schtick) t.co/59ZI6MJo8… The author skipped nearly-as-screwed Xers, but I appreciate the survey of possible solutions at the end.

Chicago friends: Watch out for the scam artists claiming to work for @DirectEnergy going door to door in the north side neighborhoods tonight. t.co/GKuIafZik…

Pay particular attention to panel 15: t.co/1eFyGT8x0…

There’s a pattern here. Gosh, what could it be… t.co/5YUIjFD1Y…

I think possibly we should rename today to “Way the Hell Back Friday.” I’m getting emails from companies I haven’t done business with in many years who should no longer have permission to contact me.

If the #NetNeutrality disaster comes down as hard as the worst predictions suggest, time to go samizdat and start trading in #zines again, and bootstrap a network of pirateboxes/libraryboxes like we’re living in BBS days again.

As always, reading a story by Ken Liu makes my day. t.co/YS3nsyiEX… This one reminds me of Heinlein’s “Time for the Stars.” #scifi

Pretty certain Ronnie wants us to buy a boat now.

Thinking about @ABrininstool’s meditation on the apex products of capitalism. I like it, but something seems absent. t.co/p7RjKRSaa…

Oh. Oh, @code. What have you done to your icon? You’ve been hanging out with that Silverlight degenerate, haven’t you?

Worse: American gun ownership is supposedly around 40% of households. So only 2% of the world owns 48% of the guns. t.co/CDw1WkFfo…

Refilling Rx for the dogs today, I accidentally typed 1800poetmeds which is probably a business opportunity.

And here I thought I knew a lot about Blade Runner. Of the stuff in this article, I only knew about Jeter’s sequels: t.co/RLcOIe8si…

I think I get it. Subscribing to the LOT mailing list provides a simulation of living in a @GreatDismal novel. Except, y’know, commodified.

Every once in a while, The Nib looks to me an awful lot like this century’s World War Three Illustrated. t.co/KwsAp2tJb…

I’ve heard “You Dropped the Bomb On Me” 2x in 18 hrs after 0x for many years. Bad omen or bad luck?

Remember that system we had where you could write updates as long or short as you wanted and no one told you otherwise? Blogging, was it?

We should remember Len Wein for his many wonderful creations, but this one in particular: t.co/NLZjoEqb4…

Any time Kai Ashante Wilson publishes makes my day. t.co/Gn3KwdSHk…

Today is #nationaldogday and @ronniecraig’s birthday. Here are her two favorite boys having a chat while they wait for her.