Michael S. Manley

Having read everything on this list, I can say that I think this is a pretty good list: The Moorlands Are Alive With The Sounds Of Terror: TPM’s Gothic And Horror Reading Recommendations

Hearing of Louise Glück’s Nobel Prize, I recalled an anthology of contemporary poets from an undergrad creative writing course, and a misremembered poem (I guess not hers) about a horse taking a piss. Trying to find that poem online has permanently ruined my search history.

I helped @CREDOMobile decide how to donate $150,000 this month among 3 amazing progressive organizations. You can too at https://bit.ly/2N7XKpe.

My very first concert: 1984, Roberts Stadium, Evansville, IN. Van Halen. Same concert where a friend of my cousin claimed to have witnessed Satan in the smoke above the crowd, an experience that eventually led to his becoming an itinerant evangelical preacher. Thanks, Eddie.

I find it ridiculous that we’ve reached a point at which we need to have these, but in case you witness armed militia members at your polling place (or anywhere, really), here’s your guide: Addressing the Rise of Unlawful Private Paramilitaries: State Fact Sheets

While taking dexamethasone during her cancer treatment, my mother, who once agonized for a week over the purchase of a $3 ornament, told my father she needed to go shopping for new socks to warm her neuropathy-chilled feet. They came home with a brand new car. Just saying.

Amazon, I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

So glad you have your metadata all squared away, Amazon and Hachette.

The folks at @Feedly just rolled out a feature I was about to implement myself using IFTTT or Zapier or my own hacked together functions. This is much nicer. Get Newsletters in Feedly

My basement sump pump connects to WiFi and has a companion mobile and web app. Truly, we live in the weirdest timeline.

My bartender, @ronniecraig, created a drink that we’re calling a Summer Quarantine: 1 cup watermelon juice, 1 cup @JourneymanDist Humdinger Jalapeño Spirit, juice of 2 fresh limes. Shake with ice & 2-4 seeded fresh jalapeño slices. Makes 2. Serve on the rocks.🍹

Google Cloud developers: What’s the closest equivalent to AWS Chalice for GCP? Functions Framework seems to cover at least a piece of it. Serverless Framework maybe, but I get the (quite possibly mistaken) impression GCP support lags there.

Worst. Historical. Reenactment. Ever.

Not long ago, a few of our neighbors lost everything in a freak electrical fire. Our ward is fundraising for the family: gf.me/u/ygucrn

Cartoon: So, you’ve been disappeared

Another entry today in the excellent “In/Vulnerable” series on The Nib: “I Was Forced To Drive Across The Country During A Pandemic Just To Get Health Care.”. Read them all here. 📚

Today’s comics reading to make your blood boil: Reveal, Part 8, in which we meet a man who builds survival bunkers for the 1%.

When I taught composition, I had a student who wrote every paper about “no-till farming” as a cure for agriculture. I wonder what he would think of this. Shockingly Simple: How Farmland Could Absorb an Extra 2 Billion Tonnes of CO2 From the Atmosphere Each Year

Important reading if you are any kind of reader of comics: Warren Ellis, Cameron Stewart, and the Storm of Sexual Misconduct Allegations Roiling the Comic Book Industry

I know most folks will remember him for all his great movie and sitcom roles, but to me, Fred Willard will always be the bartender at D.C. Follies.

This is my kind of project: Every Star Trek Book Ever

I’d forgotten all about this little project from two of my favorite comics artists: “I’m Sellin’ Folks A Dream”: Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz’s ‘Brought To Light’

This apparently passes for capitalist humor these days: Should Uber Buy Crossfit to Become a Health and Transportation Powerhouse. Not exactly Jonathan Swift territory there, Forbes.

More recommended comics reading: The Once-in-a-Century Pandemic: “We’re repeating a lot of the same mistakes from the 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ H1N1 outbreak.”

Today’s recommended reading: A Comic Strip Tour Of The Wild World Of Pandemic Modeling: “All models are wrong. It’s striving to make them less wrong and useful in the moment.”