Michael S. Manley

Today’s 21st Century fiction: Flyover Country by Tim Maughn. A couple of years old, but fresh as a new wound.

A little podcast experiment with HuffDuffer and the WFMU 365 audio oddities: https://huffduffer.com/michaelsmanley 🎙

Tried the Go 1.11 modules feature today on the main codebase at work. Everything migrated from dep with zero problems. Everything just worked. No more vendor directory, and I moved the project out of $GOPATH into a place that makes more sense for my workflow. Nice work, Gophers.

In case anyone wants to know why people are picketing the Lyric Opera building, it appears that the organization would prefer to be an opera company in name only. Maybe if they used the blockchain or innovated to disrupt operatics, our culture would value them.

Sometimes you get burned by a recipe that should work even when you fix its wonky ratios (1/2 tsp paprika? 1/4 c broth? 6 freaking cups of rice?). Guess what my lunch is this week.

And this is when you know it might be time to unsubscribe to a newsletter.

Did anyone else just get a message on their phone from a sexual predator con-artist? Now I gotta get a new phone.

Neighbors doing the season old school.

The last of the sharecropper sites to go: GoodReads, which just appeared with my Kindle for no reason. Twitter, now automated to keep only 31 days of updates syndicated from my site. Facebook, sadly, doesn’t allow automation at all any more, so emptied and only used for groups.

Next sharecropper sites to get the boot: Yelp and Amazon reviews. I can keep my own address book of vendors, and if I really want people to know how shitty the Dunkin Donuts in White House TN was, I can post that on my own site. No need to let others profit from my opinions.

Second sharecropper site abandoned: bye, Instagram. I rarely knew thee.

There would come a day at the end of every spring, just before the weather grew hot and the days long, when fathers who had sons whose voices had finally cracked over the winter would call the young men into their offices. First thing in the morning, before the children disappeared into the …

Started the untangling of my online presence from various digital sharecropping services. I’m keeping the accounts (for now) but only leaving placeholders that direct people to my own site. First one to get the pruning was LinkedIn.

Just took a short rabbithole journey through the market of self-published/indie military science fiction. Is there only one cover artist available for this genre?

“Papa John’s may soon go by the name Papa Johns, a minor grammatical tweak that says a lot about the state of the brand.” Yeah, that the brand is in the toilet. [https://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/papa-john-s-cooking-a-apostrophe-logo/314976/](PAPA JOHN’S IS COOKING UP A NEW …

Prue Leith as the next Doctor Who, please.

Read elsewhere: “Today I learned extracting EarPods from my robot vacuum wheels intact is impossible.” If that doesn’t capture the essence of 21st Century First World Boring Dystopia problems, I dunno what might. Except maybe posting about it online.

Quick reminder for anyone in the US with a cellular phone: Turn your phone off at 2:15 p.m. ET on September 20, and keep it off for probably 15-30 minutes, unless you want to receive an unwanted message from the Federal Government.

I received all of my 2600 Hacker Digest lifetime subscription archive PDFs today. Seeing all these old issues makes me stupidly happy. Not taking up physical shelf space makes me even happier. 📚

📚On MBTI and Other Distractions

Reading this got me to thinking about some things: THE MOST POPULAR PERSONALITY TEST IN THE WORLD IS A JOKE I find myself not surprised at all about the MBTI’s dubious utility. Back in the dotcom boom, after I pointed out to upper management (with impolite candor that I’d be mortified by …

So disgusted with social media walled gardens. Impossible to create content and syndicate everywhere without double posting.

Noelle, Nashville

At the Noelle rooftop bar, Rare Bird, for R’s birthday trip.

Another IG test.

apple.news Evil Billionaires Play a Board Game Where They Pretend to Have Total Control Over the American Political System Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha - Jezebel

I’ve finally put together a new version of [https://michael.manley.org/](my site), including an archive of the writing I’ve published. Assembled without a CMS, using micro.blog as the engine for daily updates, photos, and social media syndication.