Juicy Ghost, Rudy Rucker. I like to see a good plan come together, but I don’t know how I feel about one that comes together so easily. The conflict here, under the political satire, is subtle. Also, see Rucker’s Complete Stories, which I think most authors ought to do.
Long is the Way, Carrie Vaughn & Sage Walker. Any day a new Wild Cards story comes out is a good day.
What It’s Like to Teach Writing When Everyone is a Writer, Janet Burroway. One of the most important textbooks in my college years was an edition of Burroway’s Writing Fiction. I know people who work with Burroway now on the later editions of the book.
All-American Despair, Stephen Roderick. “For the past two decades, a suicide epidemic fueled by guns, poverty and isolation has swept across the West, with middle-aged men dying in record numbers.” Bleak. Probably not what we want to hear these days, but maybe what at least someone needs to hear.
Ancient History
Frank Sinatra Has a Cold, Gay Talese. One of the classics of New Journalism or Creative Nonfiction or whatever the kids are calling it these days. With bonus cameo appearance by Harlan Ellison.