Michael S. Manley

Dim Sum Dinner Club

Had a wonderful dinner this weekend at Brian Moy’s Dim Sum Dinner Club pop-up. Somehow managed to forget to snap a pic of one course, but everything was just delicious. Cannot wait to see what he does with his plans. Great wine pairings offered by Diversey Wine, too.

Sad to see that Linux Journal has closed its doors, seemingly for good this time. This has been a monthly read for me for over 20 years. Linux Journal Ceases Publication: An Awkward Goodbye

Knowing that I can follow Mastodon users on my micro.blog account, and knowing that they can follow my micro.blog posts is making me appreciate @manton’s work on this all the more. This is the promise of IndieWeb actually working!

Oh, good. The gangrene of Late Republicanism has spread to the delicate extremities of poet laureate nominations, resulting in the appointment of a driveler whose effluence includes the line “Give me chicks with guns on skis.” Who Gets to Be the Next Poet Laureate of New Hampshire?

Sunday Reading 2019-07-21 📚

Uber’s Path of Destruction, Hubert Horan, American Affairs Journal. I feel guilty any time I use Uber rather than a traditional taxi or mass transit. The dire state of ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft further cements my belief that the age of individual automobile has hit its twilight …

Sunday Reading 2019-06-30

Fiction Juicy Ghost, Rudy Rucker. I like to see a good plan come together, but I don’t know how I feel about one that comes together so easily. The conflict here, under the political satire, is subtle. Also, see Rucker’s Complete Stories, which I think most authors ought to do. Long is …

Sunday Reading 2019-06-23

A new experiment. Bookmarking a few of the interesting things I’ve come across during the week. Hoping to curate this with a little more diversity in the future than is evident in this first pass. Essay We Could Have Had Electric Cars From the Beginning, Dan Albert. Rambles a bit, but …

Today's Rabbit Hole

Last night we finished watching the “Fosse/Verdon” miniseries and then watched some of Gwen Verdon’s dancing from “Damn Yankees,” a movie I realized I’d watched at least the ending of when I was a very young kid, and which, upon reading the Wikipedia entry for it, …

A little disappointed to discover something great three years after it is over, but also glad to have found it at all: TERRRIBLE TERRIBLE TERRIBLE punk slacker animal comics.

This very much captures why I enjoy MST3K, RiffTrax, Svengoolie, & the incredible junk drawer that is Amazon Prime Video, an infinitely-stocked version of the VHS rental wall at the gas station up the road: The Joy of Watching & Rewatching Movies So Bad They’re Good (h/t @LongReads 🐦)

A sentence I never expected I’d write: I could watch the dog animations for this Australian pet shop rebrand all day. <www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/…>

One of the best birthdays I ever had was the year I was given the first four or five volumes of Encylopedia Brown books: <crimereads.com/encyclope…>

And I thought the show couldn’t get more tortuous. <www.cracked.com/article_2…>

Early bedtime for these boys.

Always nice to see a new story from Jonathan Carroll: “Mama Bruise” 📚

100% in love with this artist’s paintings: <www.simonstalenhag.se>

This one hurts. I heard him read a few years ago and he seemed in frail shape then, so not a surprise. But he never wrote a book I didn’t like, and a lot that I love. www.tor.com/2019/04/1…

The weather in Chicago today, which now apparently includes thundersnow, better not be a damn Game of Thrones marketing campaign unless some white walkers clean my sidewalk next.

I am reading one of the most wonderfully strange pieces of fiction I’ve come across in ages & it was published in practically the last place I’d have expected: 17776 Football. Remember when the web was full of this kind of thing?

Bad Apple News! Bad!

TFW you can’t tell if the description of a software package is a buzzword bingo joke, or if you’ve finally reached your own technical decrepitude, or both.

This looks like the most boring Jack Kirby comic book ever.

EXPERIENCE the plight of the poor humans treated like the machines that will replace them. MARVEL at the lack of economic security! WONDER at the absence of any labor gains made by over a century of unionization! BOOK YOUR POVERTY TOUR TODAY!

TIL the etymology of the word “cliché.” H/T to Eve Batey (🐦 @eveb), the “Inside Media” newsletter editor. How I got this far, given my interests, and never knew this, surprises me.